Climate Missions
Each Climate Mission will address a broad domain where solutions are required for effective climate response and where a critical mass of excellent research capabilities exists at MIT.
Climate HQ is an administrative, operational, and coordinating arm for the Climate Project, and provides shared services to the Climate Missions to help them achieve practical impact at scale.
The MIT Climate Project and Climate HQ are overseen by Evelyn Wang '00, the Institute's inaugural vice president for climate.
MIT’s campus climate commitments are overseen by the MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS). Climate HQ serves as a partner to MITOS in its ongoing efforts to leverage the MIT campus as a test bed for change and to foster local climate collaborations.
Climate HQ also supports climate education activities led by groups across campus, Additionally, Climate HQ coordinates and supports MIT’s contributions to public education on climate science and solutions, including the climate portal, primer, and podcast, TILclimate.
Climate HQ supports fundamental research in the core scientific and humanistic disciplines related to the Climate Missions. It is also building a team of climate impact professionals to provide practical, timely information and real-world experience needed for well-targeted research, innovation, and education.
Each Climate Mission will address a broad domain where solutions are required for effective climate response and where a critical mass of excellent research capabilities exists at MIT.
Whether you are new to climate change or ready for a deeper exploration, the MIT Climate Portal offers a virtual place to ground your knowledge and ask your questions of experts. It also highlights MIT’s latest climate change research and initiatives for action.