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The Climate Project at MIT

Welcome to the Climate Project at MIT!

The Climate Project at MIT is a new, whole-of-MIT initiative to respond to the multiple challenges of global climate change. Through this project MIT seeks to become, within a decade, one of the world’s most prolific and collaborative sources of technological, behavioral, and policy solutions - solutions that will change the expected trajectory of global climate outcomes for the better. 


The Climate Missions are MIT-wide problem-solving communities. Each mission addresses a broad domain where solutions are required for effective climate response and where a critical mass of excellent research capabilities exists at MIT.

Climate HQ

Climate HQ is an administrative, operational, and coordinating arm for the Climate Project, and provides shared services to the Climate Missions to help them achieve practical impact at scale.

MIT Climate Portal

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Latest at MIT

Climate News

3 Questions: Exploring the limits of carbon sequestration

Assistant Professor César Terrer discusses pioneering volcano research to track carbon dynamics in tropical forests.
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Reducing carbon emissions from residential heating: A pathway forward

A new MIT study identifies steps that can lower not only emissions, but also costs, across the combined electric power and natural gas industries that now supply heating fuels.
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Puzzling out climate change

Accenture Fellow Shreyaa Raghavan applies machine learning and optimization methods to explore ways to reduce transportation sector emissions.
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Climate Events